A ? 225 , 000 scheme advising the elderly on how to wear slippers is among an array of examples of " wasteful and useless " government spending costing billions of pounds a year , researchers say 显示,这个“拖鞋”方案是由英国卫生部门提出的,旨在劝说55岁以上的老年人不要穿不合适的拖鞋,以避免从楼梯上跌落。
A ? 225 , 000 scheme advising the elderly on how to wear slippers is among an array of examples of " wasteful and useless " government spending costing billions of pounds a year , researchers say 建议老年人如何穿拖鞋竟然花费了英国政府22 . 5万英镑?这听起来似乎是天方夜谭,但事实的确如此,而且这只是英国政府众多“大手大脚花冤枉钱”例子中的一个。